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Weergave: Lijst Rooster
  • Blackout: Hong Kong [EN] (schade)
    Hong Kong has been struck by a large scale unexpected blackout. As the government struggles to maintain control, you decide to take matters into your own hands and try to bring back some kind of societal order! Daily life as you were used to it has quickly dissolved. Even the most mundane tasks have become incredibly challenging without electric power. Whoever best manages this situation and restores the semblance of order will surely claim a position of power in post-blackout Hong Kong! In Alexander Pfister's Blackout: Hong Kong, you have to manage ever-changing resources and a network of various specialists to keep Hong Kong from descending into chaos while also staying ahead of your rivals. ..
    35,00€ 40,00€
  • Dodos Riding Dinos (Kickstarter)
    Choose your favorite Dodo/Dino miniature! Advance with blue or red cards and solve their whacky effects. Some will test your dexterity against your rivals by throwing bananas, flicking dodo eggs or making meteors fall.   Red cards are extra powerful but if too many players pick them during the same round, their effects will be ignored. Green cards allow the Dodo to react at any time.   Damage your rivals so they discard cards, with no cards in hand their Dodos will retrocede as a penalty and draw some cards.   At the end of each round, the Dodo in the lead advances an extra space while the rest gets to draw a card.   The fastest Dodo and Dino will be saved from extinction!   One to six players compete in Dodos Riding D..
  • Dodos Riding Dinos: Dodo Dash (Kickstarter)
    A standalone game with more Dodos Riding Dinos characters and tracks that integrates with the original game.   This expansion features a new way to interact with your Dodo as a projectile.   In this racing-dexterity game, players throw projectiles to impede the other players from reaching the finish line first. Flick eggs, throw bananas, drop meteorites and more!   During the scheming phase, all players choose a card from their hand and play it facedown. Aggressive cards (red) are stronger than normal cards (blue) but if too many players choose an Aggressive card, their effects will be cancelled.   In the running phase, players resolve their cards in turn order. Advancing towards the finish line and resolving effects. Reaction cards (g..
  • Imperium: Horizons
    Formidable adversaries are arrayed against you. Your people stand ready. History beckons.   In your hands lies the destiny of one of the most storied peoples of history. Under constant threat of attack, you must conquer new lands, oversee dramatic scientific and cultural advances, and lead your people into the era of empire. Expand too rapidly and unrest will bring your civilisation to its knees; build up too slowly, however, and you might find yourself a mere footnote of history. As one of fourteen radically asymmetric civilisations, you will compete to become the most dominant empire the world has ever seen.   Imperium: Horizons is a standalone game that contains the Abbasid, Askumite, Cultist, Gupta, Inuit, Japanese, Magyar, Martian,..
  • Marrakesh: Camels and Nomads
    The Marrakesh: Camels & Nomads expansion adds new content to Marrakesh, including the camels and nomads modules; new oasis, luxury, and provision tiles, which offer more options during play; and a solo gameplay mode. ..
  • CliniC: Deluxe Edition – The Extension (schade)
    The brand newest CliniC: Deluxe Edition the Extension contains all expansions (at least 12 expansions) already released in the medical dossier #1, medical dossier #2 and medical dossier #3, with new rules, new components, new lay outs and new tiles with new graphics and illustrations from Ian O'Toole.   CliniC: The Extension is a boxed expansion which will include ALL expansions (at least 12) already released over the past 5 years. It introduces several new concepts and includes:   -the Amenities (cafeteria, dormitory) with the buses -the Pharmacy and the Pill tiles -the Hospice tiles -the Elders tokens -the Ambulance tiles -the Expecting tokens -the 4th floor new player board -the Maintenance Shop tiles -the Janitors pieces ..
    44,00€ 52,50€
  • CliniC: Deluxe Edition – The Extension (schade)
    The brand newest CliniC: Deluxe Edition the Extension contains all expansions (at least 12 expansions) already released in the medical dossier #1, medical dossier #2 and medical dossier #3, with new rules, new components, new lay outs and new tiles with new graphics and illustrations from Ian O'Toole.   CliniC: The Extension is a boxed expansion which will include ALL expansions (at least 12) already released over the past 5 years. It introduces several new concepts and includes:   -the Amenities (cafeteria, dormitory) with the buses -the Pharmacy and the Pill tiles -the Hospice tiles -the Elders tokens -the Ambulance tiles -the Expecting tokens -the 4th floor new player board -the Maintenance Shop tiles -the Janitors pieces ..
    42,00€ 52,50€
  • Deep Space D-6: Armada (schade)
    Deep Space D-6: Armada is the standalone multiplayer sequel to Deep Space D-6.   In the far reaches of the galaxy, a local cluster of planets has been overtaken by a hostile regime known as The Federation. Players will take command of starships and work together to complete missions while defending the system from enemy fleets.   Each player begins the game with their own starship with unique capabilities and basic crew. As you earn credits from completing missions, you'll be able to upgrade your ship and hire advanced Heroic crew members. Your crew are your dice and players will roll them, then assign them to their ship's stations in order to perform actions during combat or to complete missions.   Ship to ship combat in Armada inv..
    39,00€ 60,00€
  • King of the Valley: Festival
    In Het Festival, de eerste uitbreiding op King of the Valley, worden allerlei festiviteiten georganiseerd. Het festivalpubliek komt in groten getale op het feest af. Het is voor de koningen relatief eenvoudig om ze als ‘bijvangst’ op te pikken als ze door de vallei heen gaan op zoek naar volgelingen.   Toernooi! Op het toernooiveld strijden ridders te paard om de gunst van de jonkvrouwen. Dit kan geld in het laadje brengen voor de armlastige koningen in de vallei. Als ze goed opletten tenminste en hun belastinginners op tijd inzetten! Het festivalpubliek, ook wel ‘gepeupel’ genoemd, kan onder meer naar een biertent, een waarzegster of ze kunnen iemand tippen voor de beul die zich mateloos verveelt. Maar vergis je niet! Dit spel biedt een aantal pittige nieuwe tactis..
  • Marrakesh (EN) (Essential Edition)
    Marrakesh, "de Parel van het Zuiden"   Er is werk aan de winkel in Marrakesh!  Als rijke burgers van de stad gebruiken jullie je assistenten om je invloed te vergroten in de Koutoubia-moskee en het Bahia-paleis.  Dwaal door de soeks en pingel met de handelaren om kostbare luxegoederen te vergaren.  Ga naar het marktplein Djemaa el Fna met zijn waterverkopers, verhalenvertellers, slangenbezweerders en jongleurs.  Ontdek oases in de Sahara en bevaar de rivier Tensift.  Maar vergeet bovenal niet de bevolking te betalen en van voldoende dadels en water te voorzien.    Wie aan het einde van het spel het meest succesvol is gebleken, wint dit sfeervolle spel!   Volledig herziene NL editie van WGG voorzien ..
  • Playmat - Blue Galaxy (40cmx60cm)
    The IMMERSION range of mats offers incomparable playing comfort.   The top coating of premium-quality polyester gives exceptional glide for your cards, tiles, figurines and all the elements that make up your favorite games.   The bottom part of the mat is made of top-quality neoprene for non-slip grip on any surface. With a minimum thickness of 3 mm, any imperfections in the surface on which the mat is laid are absorbed.   The contours of our mats are all double-stitched for a long-lasting finish.     The care taken in printing Immersion rugs gives them deep, vibrant colors.   Play with a mat from the Immersion range and it will quickly become indispensable. ..
  • Playmat - Blue Galaxy (40cmx90cm)
    The IMMERSION range of mats offers incomparable playing comfort.   The top coating of premium-quality polyester gives exceptional glide for your cards, tiles, figurines and all the elements that make up your favorite games.   The bottom part of the mat is made of top-quality neoprene for non-slip grip on any surface. With a minimum thickness of 3 mm, any imperfections in the surface on which the mat is laid are absorbed.   The contours of our mats are all double-stitched for a long-lasting finish.     The care taken in printing Immersion rugs gives them deep, vibrant colors.   Play with a mat from the Immersion range and it will quickly become indispensable. ..
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