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  • Equinox (EN) (groene versie)
    In dit snelle veilingspel strijden mythische wezens om hun verhaal opgenomen te krijgen in het legendarische verhalenboek! In de loop van verschillende rondes bieden de spelers op wezens en spelen ze kaarten uit om het wezen dat ze willen winnen te ondersteunen. Aan het eind van elke ronde wordt echter een wezen gediskwalificeerd en stijgt de spanning! De doos bevat 14 unieke wezens met hun eigen krachten, maar er worden er slechts 8 in één spel gebruikt - wat garandeert dat geen enkel spel altijd hetzelfde is en dat er veel variatie is voor de spelers!   Plan B Games biedt Equinox aan met twee verschillende covers! ..
    16,00€ 32,00€
  • Wreckland Run (Retail)
    Load up your vehicle with supplies, strap on a few weapons, and prepare to make your wreckland run.   Wreckland Run takes place in a post-apocalyptic landscape known as the Wrecklands that's filled with marauders and other dangers. Wreckland Run is played across a campaign consisting of 7 chapters. With each new chapter, the continuing story will unfold in the campaign book. You will be instructed to open up a new envelope that adds exciting new bosses, enemies, and gameplay twists. The contents of these are secret for now. Do not reveal them until you’ve been instructed to!   At the start of the campaign, you will first choose a vehicle and driver. Choose wisely, as this will be your combination that you’ll carry across all 7 chapters. Once you’ve completed a ..
    35,60€ 44,50€
  • HEXplore It: The Sands of Shurax – Return to the Sands of Shurax
    The Sands of Shurax Expansion allows you to play as the Villian (aka. The Ravager) against the other heroes. Like the heroes, the Villian is able To raise it’s ranks by performing Ambitions. Choose how to ruin the map, with an entire Villian card deck. The Villian will have access to powerful Rituals, which can be performed by expending Ritual Points. The Villian will be forced to react to the heroes, and better yet, force the heroes to react to the Villian. There are several ways to play as the Ravager, which no two games facing off against the heroes will be the same.   Four new bosses appear in the expansion, with each boss having a unique reveal trigger. Additional traits give your hero a distinguishing quality gained at the beginning of the game. More ..
    26,00€ 50,50€
  • Warp's Edge: Anomaly
    Far from home. Deep in hostile territory. Your starfighter’s overclocked warp drive is now creating anomalies, little tears in the fabric of spacetime that alter situations and require you to adapt on the fly. Can you use these anomalies to your advantage? Trust your instincts. The citizens of the Outer Rim are counting on you.   ANOMALY is an expansion for WARP’S EDGE, a solo bag-building game of space combat. New starfighters, motherships, and skills add to the options alongside the anomalies, an all-new token type.   FIGHT. WARP. REPEAT.   ..
    21,60€ 27,00€
  • Helsinki
    The famous Senate Square in the center of the Finnish capital is surrounded by government buildings, the university, the cathedral and the Sederholm House. The players ́ task is to design pavilions across the square to protect pedestrians in the rain. Helsinki is based on the design of Copenhagen by the same design team, but with some added complexity.   The center board depicts the Senate Square with 8 spaces (two per side) and 8 cards, with each card connected to two spaces. The player on their turn advances their pawn 1-3 spaces, then must choose to take cards or build a pavilion. Each space is connected to two face up cards, and the player may choose to draw these into their hand (making sure to respect the 7 card hand limit, a key challenge in ..
    39,60€ 49,50€
  • Das Chamäleon (DU)
    A bluffing deduction game for everyone.   Each round involves two missions, depending on whether you’re the Chameleon or not.   Mission 1: You are the Chameleon. No one knows your identity except you. Your mission is to blend in, not get caught and to work out the Secret Word.   Mission 2: You are not the Chameleon. Try to work out who the Chameleon is without giving away the Secret Word.   At the beginning of the round each player receives a card that tells them if they are the Chameleon or hunting the Chameleon. Two dice are rolled and this gives everyone (except the Chameleon) the coordinates to a specific word on a Topic Card – this is the Secret Word for the round. Each Topic Card features 16 related words (e.g. countries, books, ..
    16,00€ 26,50€
  • Inkognito
    The goal of each agent in Inkognito is to complete a mission, together with his partner. At the beginning of the game, however, players don't know which mission they must fulfill!   In the standard four-player game, each player guides one of four secret agents. The four characters are allied in pairs: Lord Fiddlebottom and Colonel Bubble are always partnered against Agent X and Madame Zsa Zsa. Each of the four agents is represented by one of four different figures, with different builds: tall, short, fat, thin. Only one of them represents the actual character controlled by a player. The other three figures represent spies which are friendly to him and that are trying to confuse the opposition.   On a turn, a player shakes the Phantom of Prophecy randomizer to d..
    40,40€ 50,50€
  • Woodcraft (EN)
    In Woodcraft, you play as forest people running competing workshops in the woods, with you gathering wood and crafting goods for your customers. Along the way, you hire helpers, improve your workshop, and buy different types of wood and other tools to create the best workshop you can.   During the game, players complete their projects with wood (dice) that can be cut down to size, glued back together, and adjusted using dice manipulation to be as efficient as possible with their resources.   Whoever builds the best, most successful workshop wins. ..
    40,00€ 50,00€
  • Orconomics (Second Edition)
    Hey Orc! Are you sad that the days of heroes are in the past? Do you feel upset that brave warriors such as yourself have no chance to use their fury and courage? If so, we have just the thing for you! Dive into the world of business, a vortex of competition, a fight to be the best. Build up your companies with your strong green hands and bargain to the bitter end with your rivals. Legends will be told of your glorious business ventures!   Orconomics is a game for 2-5 players, competing against each other to establish Companies in ten industrial sectors. The game board assembles randomly for each new game. That gives a good replay rating as sectors will have different value and will affect each other.   Companies in each industrial sector generate income or los..
    35,20€ 44,00€
  • Dog Lover's Speelkaarten
    Ben jij een echte hondenliefhebber? Dan is dit kaartspel perfect voor jou! Het is een deck kaarten zoals je gewend bent, maar dan voorzien van allerlei soorten honden.   Specificaties: Materiaal: aluminium, karton Kleur: multicolor Afmetingen: 10,2 x 8,3 x 2,5 cm (lxbxh) Taal: Engels Leeftijd: vanaf 3 jaar   Inhoud: 54 Speelkaarten ..
    7,00€ 11,00€
  • Cat Lover's Speelkaarten
    Ben jij een echte kattenliefhebber? Dan is dit kaartspel perfect voor jou! Het is een stok kaarten zoals je gewend bent, maar dan voorzien van allerlei soorten katten.   Specificaties: Materiaal: aluminium, karton Kleur: multicolor Afmetingen: 10,2 x 8,3 x 2,5 cm (lxbxh) Taal: Engels Leeftijd: vanaf 3 jaar   Inhoud: 54 Speelkaarten ..
    8,80€ 11,00€
  • New York City
    Build sky scrapers and develop transport in the city that never sleeps.   A game of New York City is played over 5 game rounds. First, players deal out cards in sets of two cards equal to two times the number of players plus one additional. In turn order, players draft a pair of cards until they have 4 cards. Then, they draw 3 more cards from the deck.   Next comes the bidding round, where in turn order players will play cards to bid to determine the strength of their action, with the player who bids the highest getting a bonus. In order, the actions are:   Press: Advance on the Press track to determine player and tie-breaking order. Money: Receive money to be used for special actions. Characters: Take a character with a special ability or ..
    78,80€ 98,50€
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