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  • A Gest of Robin Hood
    A Gest of Robin Hood adapts the COIN system to depict peasant revolts, feudal tax collection, and outlaw activities in late 12th century medieval England. A simpler format and a more approachable setting makes A Gest of Robin Hood perfect for newcomers to wargaming. At the same time, it also offers a tight challenge for more experienced wargamers who can enjoy a tense asymmetric duel in under an hour. ..
  • Dune: War for Arrakis
    Arrakis is a desert world seemingly dead and barren, yet here lies the most important resource in the galaxy: Spice. Without Spice, space travel is impossible, and humans become little clusters on isolated planets. The noble House that controls Arrakis and the production of Spice wields great power. The Emperor gave Arrakis to House Atreides, but then he conspired to replace them with their old rivals, House Harkonnen. Baron Harkonnen crushed the Atreides in a treasonous attack, and now rules the planet with an iron fist. But Paul and Jessica, heirs to House Atreides, are alive, and are mounting a rebellion with the aid of the formidable Fremen, the mysterious inhabitants of the barren expanses of Arrakis.   Only one House will emerge victorious from the coming struggle, wh..
  • Port Arthur (NL)
    De Russisch-Japanse oorlog vond begin 20ste eeuw plaats op land en op zee en begon met de Japanse inval in Korea en de overwinning van Japan tijdens de Slag bij Mukden. Japan diende de genadeslag echter toe op zee, tijdens de Slag bij Tsushima in mei 1905, waarin de Russische Baltische vloot werd verslagen.   Port Arthur is een strategisch spel voor 2 spelers, dat 30-45 minuten duurt. Speel je Japan, met de centrale positie en de kleine maar machtige vloot, of speel je Rusland, dat moet voorkomen dat de vijand aan land geraakt voor de Baltische vloot er is? ..
  • Preorder - Undaunted 2200: Callisto (verwacht oktober 2024)
    Jovian Moon Base - Callisto, 22nd Century AD: Tensions have arisen between the conglomerate of Earth's leading corporations that funded the base and the mining collective tasked with operating it. Protests have erupted, strikes been called, and contracts broken. Private security forces have been hired, industrial mining vehicles repurposed for combat, and long-disused military mechs reawoken. The battle for Callisto is about to begin: It's time to choose your side.   Undaunted 2200: Callisto is a standalone game in the Undaunted series that adapts the core gameplay of previous games to a new science-fiction setting. Play across an illustrated map in two-player, four-player, and solo game modes. Navigate the barren lunar landscape, maneuver to seize dominant high-ground posi..
  • Triomphe à Marengo
    Northern Italy, 14 June, 1800: The out-manoeuvred Austrian army attacked the French under Bonaparte, took them by surprise and defeated them quickly in the morning fight. Thinking that the battle was over, they pursued the retreating French. However, when General Desaix arrived with reinforcements in the late afternoon, the French started a defiant counterattack and turned the Battle of Marengo into a glorious triumph.   This game recreates that dramatic battle. One player takes the role of Bonaparte whose troops are scattered at the beginning, while the other attacks with the Austrians. He has to defeat the French, before they can strike back with their reinforcements. Triomphe à Marengo is fast playing. Departing from almost all wargame conventions, it brings the look of ..
  • Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – Tie Fighter Expansion Pack
    The TIE fighter is a ubiquitous symbol of the Empire. These fighters are generally employed in massive numbers, overwhelming even the best Rebel pilots. TIE fighters rely on speed and strength in numbers to overcome their enemies, and while this fighter only features a pair of laser cannons and lacks shields of any kind, its swiftness and dexterity make it a dangerous opponent in a dogfight.   Add to your swarm of agile TIE fighters with this expansion, which includes six pilots, and send out the dangerous and crafty Imperial pilot "Backstabber", one of Darth Vader’s wingmen in the Battle of Yavin. As his name implies, he is particularly vicious when attacking an enemy from behind. Give your squadron an edge in any conflict with the TIE Fighter Expansion Pack. ..
  • Clash of the Ardennes
    Tijdens een van de zwaarste gevechten in de Tweede Wereldoorlog: het Ardennenoffensief, sta je voor de moeilijke taak om belangrijke straten in de Belgische stad Bastogne te veroveren.   In Clash of the Ardennes heb je de controle over de geallieerde of as-strijdkrachten en moet je je doel zien te bereiken, dat staat beschreven op je 'Objective card' (getrokken aan het begin van het spel).   Gebruik al je (speciale) eenheden verstandig, want je zult snel door je eenheden heen zijn. Plaats ze strategisch en tactisch op 1 van de 7 straten, denk altijd vooruit en probeer je doel iets eerder te bereiken dan je tegenstander. ..
  • The Battle of Five Armies (schade)
    The Battle of Five Armies – based on the climax of JRR Tolkien's novel The Hobbit – pits the hosts of the Elvenking, the Dwarves of Dain Ironfoot, and the Men of the Lake led by Bard the Bowman against a horde of Wolves, Goblins and Bats led by Bolg, son of Azog. Will Gandalf turn the tide for the Free Peoples? Will the Eagles arrive, or Beorn come to the rescue? Or will Bilbo the Hobbit perish in a last stand on Ravenhill? The Battle of Five Armies features a game board representing the Eastern and Southern spurs of the Lonely Mountain and the valley they encircle, and a number of plastic figures representing troops, heroes and monsters. The Battle of Five Armies is a standalone game based on the rules for War of the Ring, which is from the same designers, but with the rules mo..
    85,00€ 101,00€
  • The Battle of Five Armies (schade)
    The Battle of Five Armies – based on the climax of JRR Tolkien's novel The Hobbit – pits the hosts of the Elvenking, the Dwarves of Dain Ironfoot, and the Men of the Lake led by Bard the Bowman against a horde of Wolves, Goblins and Bats led by Bolg, son of Azog. Will Gandalf turn the tide for the Free Peoples? Will the Eagles arrive, or Beorn come to the rescue? Or will Bilbo the Hobbit perish in a last stand on Ravenhill? The Battle of Five Armies features a game board representing the Eastern and Southern spurs of the Lonely Mountain and the valley they encircle, and a number of plastic figures representing troops, heroes and monsters. The Battle of Five Armies is a standalone game based on the rules for War of the Ring, which is from the same designers, but with the rules mo..
    85,00€ 101,00€
  • The Hunt
    September 1939: The commander of the Admiral Graf Spee receives the order to sink as many British freight ships as possible in the South Atlantic. The objective is to intercept the ships crossing the Atlantic and prevent supplies from reaching the UK and other destinations.   The plan seems to work in the first months. Within a few weeks, the Admiral Graf Spee sinks nine freight ships and sends almost 50,000 gross register tons to the seabed. The gigantic loss puts the army command in London Whitehall under pressure. In order to protect their freighters in the best possible way, the Admiralty had no choice but to reinforce the English fleet in the South Atlantic by sending three cruisers in what is known as "The Battle of River Plate".   The Hunt is an asymmetr..
  • Undaunted: Reinforcements (Second Edition)
    In North Africa, the Long Range Desert Group is a thorn in the sides of the Italian forces, disrupting vital lines of communication and striking at strategic targets ranging far and wide. In Normandy, U.S. forces brace against German counterattack, determined to maintain their foothold in the region. The fighting is intense, and the outcome hangs on a knife's edge. With everything at stake, you desperately need reinforcements!   Undaunted: Reinforcements is a modular expansion that introduces a range of new rules, scenarios, and units. Unleash the might of the German and American tanks and see how your new squad options fare against them in Undaunted: Normandy, or make use of mines, assault aircraft, and other new units as you attempt to outfox your opponent in Undaunted: N..
  • Farsight
      Set in a grim future, Farsight immerses players in a world where powerful Private Military Corporations fight viciously over the Earth’s last remaining resources.   Developed over 8 years, Farsight is an attempt to bring in-depth wargaming to the table in a way that is elegant, accessible, and easy to engage with.   Each turn, players deploy units face-down to the battlefield, revealing them when they are spied upon, or enter combat. On a parallel 'Shadow Map,' hidden specialists are deployed to help spy on the enemy, sabotage their units and help shift the course of the game.   As the corporations battle for control of the field, events ranging from weather to deadly plagues will encourage players to change their strategies as the game ..
    54,00€ 67,50€
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