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  • Pokémon Vizirion V Box
    Ga voor groen en schenk gerechtigheid met de legendarische kracht van Virizion V! Zorg voor je bondgenoten met de Verdant windkracht en ga vervolgens in de aanval om krachtige aanvallen uit te voeren met de Emerald Blade-aanval! In deze doos vind je speelbare en extra grote versies van Virizion V, plus een speelbare bonuskaart met Keldeo. Je krijgt ook een handvol Pokemon TCG-boosterpakketten om je deck een boost te geven voor je volgende wedstrijd.   Elke Virizion V Box bevat:   1 foil Promokaart met Virizion V 1 foil kaart met Keldeo 1 extra grote kaart met Virizion V 4 Pokemon TCG Booster Packs 1 code kaart voor Pokemon TCG Online. ..
  • Polders: Flip and Write
    Spelers kruipen in de huid van investeerders in de grote Hollandse polders van de Gouden Eeuw. Zoals de naam doet vermoeden is dit een spel in de ‘flip & write categorie’, waarbij spelers gebieden tekenen en combineren met gebouwen om punten te scoren en opdrachten te voltooien. Hierbij is er een hoge mate van interactie tussen spelers doordat de spelborden, waarop de polders zijn vormgegeven, worden doorgegeven na elke keer tekenen. Spelers maken daardoor tactische inschattingen wanneer zij anderen moeten blokkeren en wanneer zij voor eigen gewin moeten gaan.   Polders: Flip & Write is een spel van de hand van Inge van Dasselaar en Alexander Kneepkens, speciaal ontwikkeld voor de Board Game Geek roll & write contest. In deze wedstrijd won het spel de eerste pri..
  • Prachtige Paarden - Puzzel (150)
      Kinderpuzzel van 150 stukjes met 9 mooie afbeeldingen van paarden. Leuke uitdaging voor de jonge paardenliefhebbers. ..
  • Precognition
    In a post-apocalyptic world, play a Prescient, an Ymune gifted with the power of precognition. Going down the Great River, explore the banks to rescue contaminated Humans, to hire Ymune Doctors to treat them, or Ymune Protectors to protect the boat from the banes to come. Try also to collect Batteries to activate the Machine rooms of your boat, or Food to feed the new healthy Humans…   In Precognition, you must truly see the future to win the game. That comes from understanding a new card mechanism: the Dual Select System. In addition to being innovative, the Dual Select System fits perfectly with the theme because, among the two cards that you will let pass, one of them will come back to you on the next turn. You have 12 turns to make the right choices.   Your..
  • Premium Collection Puzzel Amsterdam Canals - Puzzel (1000)
    Ben jij toe aan een moment voor jezelf en wil je heerlijk ontspannen? Met puzzelen vergeet je even helemaal de tijd... met als eindresultaat een schitterend plaatje waar je nog jarenlang van kunt genieten.   Puzzelen is een leuke hobby voor iedereen die het fijn vind om lekker bezig te zijn. Probeer eens een puzzel te maken in plaats van de tv aan te zetten! Dit geeft gegarandeerd meer rust en urenlang plezier. ..
  • Prêt-à-Porter
    Prêt-à-Porter is an economic strategy game set in a world of fashion. Players run clothes companies and fight for dominance during fashion shows. It is – perhaps – one of the most cruel and ruthless of all our games. Money can be a dangerous weapon.   During the game players open new branches and outlets, hire new workers and try to gain new capabilities. New Design Agencies, Brand stores or Preparation rooms are opened, Accountants, Models and Designers are hired, lucrative contracts are signed to allow for short-term profits and expand company’s competencies.   Every single month player’s company gains new capabilities.   Each quarter held fashion shows – each player has to prepare a collection of clothing and has to show it on the show. The publ..
  • Pulp Invasion X2
    Sending down landing teams aids in your search for the Super Weapons to prevent the Cosmic Hegemony from their nefarious plans. Beware though of 3 new Vassal aliens who have joined the Hegemony to rule the galaxy.   The Pulp Invasion X2 expansion adds new exploration cards, new captains, a new crew die, and a helpful landing team.   For this expansion there are 2 new Captain cards that use the new Landing Crew die, 3 new Alien Vassals that affect game play while in the various Hegemony sectors. 2 new Planets to explore and 2 additional Super Weapons with new actions.   Additionally there are 8 new exploration cards, which change game replay-ability since you only deal a subset during the game. Most have beneficial actions and allow for greater play..
  • Puppies - Puzzel (200)
    Leuke kinderpuzzel met puppies. Maar liefst 9 plaatjes met de allerliefste snoezige hondje. Puzzel bevat 200 stukjes. Leeftijd vanaf 8 jaar. ..
  • Puzzel Ezel (72x51cm)
    Een ergonomische ezel om makkelijk op te puzzelen   Afmetingen: 72 x 51 cm   ..
  • Puzzle Strike 2 [Kickstarter Versie] (schade)
    Dit is de kickstarter-versie en bevat: Puzzle Strike 2 + promo tegels   The cast of Fantasy Strike has acquired magical gems which give power, but at what price? Those who hold too many gems are cursed forever. What’s worse, the ultimate gem to rule them all has been forged into a single, mighty scepter. Whoever holds it wields even more power at an even greater price.   In Puzzle Strike 2, players build their deck as they play, giving them the tools to arrange and manipulate their set of colored gems. These gems can be “crashed” (destroyed) in order to build up power for four different super moves as well as to flood other players with more gems. As this process unfolds, gems will fly back and forth between players as they desperately try to remain under the t..
  • Pyramido (schade)
    The great Pharaoh Mino has passed, and rule passes to his eldest son: Pharoah Mido. Displeased with the plain appearance of the pyramid in which his father was buried, Mido turns his attention to his own legacy. He wishes for his own resting place to better reflect his majesty and has decreed that 2-4 architects build pyramids encrusted with jewels: a pyramido. The architect who builds the most impressive pyramido will be appointed Vizier and enjoy wealth and power beyond imagination.   Pyramido is a tile-placement game in which each stage of the pyramid creates connections between them. Players take turns choosing from the available dominoes to create their pyramid. To maximize their points, players must match the jewel icons on the dominoes and place their markers of the ..
  • Pyramido (schade)
    The great Pharaoh Mino has passed, and rule passes to his eldest son: Pharoah Mido. Displeased with the plain appearance of the pyramid in which his father was buried, Mido turns his attention to his own legacy. He wishes for his own resting place to better reflect his majesty and has decreed that 2-4 architects build pyramids encrusted with jewels: a pyramido. The architect who builds the most impressive pyramido will be appointed Vizier and enjoy wealth and power beyond imagination.   Pyramido is a tile-placement game in which each stage of the pyramid creates connections between them. Players take turns choosing from the available dominoes to create their pyramid. To maximize their points, players must match the jewel icons on the dominoes and place their markers of the ..