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  • ArcheOlogic (EN)
    A city in the mountains was discovered, but no one dares to venture there without having mapped the place. Here is finally a mission for you, an archaeologist with implacable logic.   ArcheOlogic is a competitive deduction game whose goal is to first find the exact location of the buildings of the city.   To help you? An Archeoscope, the only research instrument capable of reading the coded cards left by the Ancients. Ask the Archeoscope your questions by adjusting its cogs, note the precious answers, and replace the buildings on your plan. Think carefully as some questions will take more time than others, but maybe their answer will help you win... ..
  • ArcheOlogic (FR)
    A city in the mountains was discovered, but no one dares to venture there without having mapped the place. Here is finally a mission for you, an archaeologist with implacable logic.   ArcheOlogic is a competitive deduction game whose goal is to first find the exact location of the buildings of the city.   To help you? An Archeoscope, the only research instrument capable of reading the coded cards left by the Ancients. Ask the Archeoscope your questions by adjusting its cogs, note the precious answers, and replace the buildings on your plan. Think carefully as some questions will take more time than others, but maybe their answer will help you win... ..
  • Colt Express
    On the 11th of July, 1899 at 10 a.m., the Union Pacific Express has left Folsom, New Mexico, with 47 passengers on board. After a few minutes, gunfire and hurrying footsteps on the roof can be heard. Heavily armed bandits have come to rob honest citizens of their wallets and jewels. Will they succeed in stealing the suitcase holding the Nice Valley Coal Company's weekly pay, despite it having been placed under the supervision of Marshal Samuel Ford? Will these bandits hinder one another more than the Marshal since only the richest one of them can come out on top? In Colt Express, you play a bandit robbing a train at the same time as other bandits, and your goal is to become the richest outlaw of the Old West. The game consists of five rounds, and each round has two phases: P..
  • Colt Express: Bewakers en Gepantserde Trein
    De uitbreiding "The Colt Express: Couriers & Armored Train" brengt een frisse wind in het spel Colt Express, dat in 2015 de Spiel des Jahres-prijs won. Spelers werken nu samen in teams om de rijkste bandieten in het Wilde Westen te worden. En wat is er beter dan een tweede trein met kostbare documenten om het avontuur wat spannender te maken? ..
  • Colt Express: Marshal en Gevangenen
    The Colt Express: Marshal & Prisoners expansion contains three new components: It adds another character "Mei", a martial arts lady. The players can free prisoners from the prison wagon that is added to the end of the train. One player can play as the marshal, who has two decks of bullet cards and three specific items. The Marshal has got four hidden and random objectives, he must achieve it to win the game (i.e. shoot every bullet from one gun, catch a Bandit, Shoot at every Bandit, ...) Freeing junior bandits from the prison car gains their help (i.e. a secondary ability for your character) ..
  • Colt Express: Paarden en Postkoets
    Colt Express: Horses & Stagecoach, the first expansion for the 2015 Spiel des Jahres winner Colt Express, introduces a 3D stagecoach that rides alongside the train from the base game. The bandits now have horses that they can ride to move faster between the cars, and these horses allow them to jump into the stagecoach as well. The stagecoach is protected by a guard with a shotgun, but a punch in his face would be enough to eject him toward the roof of the train. From there, though, he will annoy the bandits on the roof. Once the stagecoach is free of the guard, the bandits can collect a new strongbox. Inside the stagecoach, they will also find some hostages who will be worth a ransom at game's end. Careful though, as each hostage has a negative effect that will annoy the bandit ..
  • Colt Super Express
    Colt Super Express has the spirit of the original, award-wining Colt Express in the form of a fast-paced, survive-to-win format that players can take anywhere.   Players compete to be the last Colt Express rider standing because there can only be one when this train stops. Each round, players will place one of their five action cards face down in a pile to determine what they'll do when they are revealed, including moving, shooting, and more. At the end of the round, the last train car is removed...and so is anyone in it! If more than one player is alive in the final car, the entire train explodes, taking them with it. ..
  • Discoveries
    The Lewis and Clark Expedition, which was commissioned in 1803 and ended in 1806, was the first party of men that went through the North American continent, then returned. During these three years, the leaders Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, along with Sergeant Gass and Sergeant Ordway, wrote page after page about their trip, describing the new plants and animals species they discovered and drawing the maps of unknown areas. In Discoveries, you play one of the Expedition members: Lewis, Clark, Gass or Ordway. Your goal is to compile as much knowledge as possible in your journal, and in this way advance science thanks to your discoveries. The Tribe/Discoveries cards you gain during the game score discovery points at the end. To get these cards, you have to perform exploration..
  • Lewis & Clark: The Expedition (2nd Edition)
    On November 30, 1803, the United States purchased Louisiana from Napoleon. U.S. President Thomas Jefferson decided to send two explorers – Meriwether Lewis and William Clark – to discover this huge terra incognita. Lewis & Clark is a board game in which the players manage an expedition intended to cross the North American continent. Their goal is to be the first to reach the Pacific. Each one has his own Corps of Discovery that will be completed by the Native Americans and the trappers met during the journey. He has to cleverly manage his characters and also the resources he finds along the way. Beware, sometimes frugality is better than abundance. Lewis & Clark features dual use cards. To be activated, one card must be combined with another one, which becomes unavailabl..
  • Living Forest
    In Living Forest, you play as a nature spirit who will try to save the forest and its sacred tree from the flames of Onibi.   But you are not alone in your mission as the animal guardians have come together to lend a hand around the Circle of Spirits where you progress. Each turn, they bring you valuable elements, so try to combine your team of animal guardians as best as possible to carry out your actions, but be careful because some are lonely and do not like to be mixed with others...   ..
  • Living Forest: Kodama
    The dreadful Onibi has never been more dangerous… He has set foot in the Circle of Spirits and is ferociously attacking the Sacred Tree, while his flames threaten all living things in the forest. But the Spirits of Nature aren’t fighting alone: Sanki has sent small beings of light, the Kodama, to help them face this growing threat.   Play as one of the four Spirits of Nature and make the most of the Kodama’s help to save the Sacred Tree!   A NEW ACTION: You can now use the flowers from your Help Line, your Forest and your victory tiles to perform the new action: Call a Kodama.   Thanks to this new action you can, each turn, buy one (and only one) Kodama card which is placed on your personal deck, like a Guardian Animal card. ..
  • Precognition
    In a post-apocalyptic world, play a Prescient, an Ymune gifted with the power of precognition. Going down the Great River, explore the banks to rescue contaminated Humans, to hire Ymune Doctors to treat them, or Ymune Protectors to protect the boat from the banes to come. Try also to collect Batteries to activate the Machine rooms of your boat, or Food to feed the new healthy Humans…   In Precognition, you must truly see the future to win the game. That comes from understanding a new card mechanism: the Dual Select System. In addition to being innovative, the Dual Select System fits perfectly with the theme because, among the two cards that you will let pass, one of them will come back to you on the next turn. You have 12 turns to make the right choices.   Your..
    34,00€ 56,50€