Wonderbow Games

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  • Hunters of the Lost Creatures
    Collect the lost creatures and build the weirdest wildlife park. Will you choose the right hunter at the right time? Cards, fun & puns.   Hunters of the Lost Creatures is a fast-paced people-friendly card game that you can win against your buddies or lose against your 6 year old kid. But winning or losing only depends on your decisions – not on dice or drawing luck. Join the ultimate battle between strategy and haphazardness. But keep an eye on the interests of your competitors and beware of Trolls, Thieves and Turnados.   The basic rules are simple. Secretly choose a hunter for a designated hunting area: Sea, Air, Forest or Plains. He or she will catch a creature for your awesome wildlife park. You get the creature unless another player has sent a hunter t..
    22,00€ 26,50€
  • Kelp (Kickstarter All-In)
    Deze bundel bevat   - Kelp (Deluxe Edition) - Brilliant Behaviours Expansion - Dice Tray - Playmat - Sleeves Pack - New Pursuits Booster Pack   A head-to-head battle of wits between an Octopus and a Shark. Kelp is a two-player asymmetrical game that offers players a unique opportunity to delve into the natural world of Pyjama Sharks and Common Octopuses, set in a South African kelp forest.   As players take on the roles of these iconic sea creatures, they will discover that the gameplay mechanics closely mirror their real-life counterparts. Each has a unique path to victory. The Octopus, known for its cunning and adaptability, sneaks around the board by playing cards and managing their hid..
  • Kelp (Kickstarter Deluxe Edition)
    A head-to-head battle of wits between an Octopus and a Shark.   Kelp is a two-player asymmetrical game that offers players a unique opportunity to delve into the natural world of Pyjama Sharks and Common Octopuses, set in a South African kelp forest.   As players take on the roles of these iconic sea creatures, they will discover that the gameplay mechanics closely mirror their real-life counterparts. Each has a unique path to victory. The Octopus, known for its cunning and adaptability, sneaks around the board by playing cards and managing their hidden and revealed blocks, channeling the creature's remarkable ability to camouflage and deceive. On the other hand, the Shark, embodying the ruthless and determined predator, patrols their territory and attempts to ..
  • Kelp (Standard Edition)
    A head-to-head battle of wits between an Octopus and a Shark.   Kelp is a two-player asymmetrical game that offers players a unique opportunity to delve into the natural world of Pyjama Sharks and Common Octopuses, set in a South African kelp forest.   As players take on the roles of these iconic sea creatures, they will discover that the gameplay mechanics closely mirror their real-life counterparts. Each has a unique path to victory. The Octopus, known for its cunning and adaptability, sneaks around the board by playing cards and managing their hidden and revealed blocks, channeling the creature's remarkable ability to camouflage and deceive. On the other hand, the Shark, embodying the ruthless and determined predator, patrols their territory and attempts to ..
  • Kelp - Playmat
    A double-sided playmat featuring both board variants. Neoprene mat, 2mm thick, stitched edges    ..
  • Kelp: Brilliant Behaviours Mini Expansion Set
    Dive even deeper into the world of Kelp! Discover new layers of strategy for both players. Use them in any combination. Give new players an advantage, change the board or ride a jellyfish.   The BRILLIANT BEHAVIOURS Set consists of 4 different Mini Expansions: - The Jellyfish Ride a Jellyfish and let it steal energy from the Shark.   - The Zones Now it's your turn as the Shark to manipulate the board. Obstruct the plans of the Octopus, but raise the stakes for yourself in return.   - The Coconut Hide the Octopus under a coconut, and make it harder to attack! Or don't... and stick the coconut on a shell to confuse the Shark!   - The Dens Visit your dens to collect powered-up growth tiles. ..
  • Kelp: New Pursuits Mini Expansion
    New Pursuits features objectives for the Octopus and the Shark to complete throughout the game. Only the first player to complete these goals will receive a powerful boost.   The expansion is Kickstarter exclusive.   ..