
Weergave: Lijst / Rooster
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  • 6 Suspects
    6 suspects is a game of memory and logical deduction. A crime has been committed. Two hidden evidence cards are assigned to each one of the six suspects. Players look at evidence cards, one after the other, trying to be the first to find the culprit.   On a player’s turn, they take one of the 12 face-down evidence cards, look at it, and then place it back. Once every player has played at least four times, any player can announce that they think they know the culprit. All other players take one last turn looking at an evidence card. Then, all players simultaneously show, with their hand, which one of the six suspects they think is the culprit.   All evidence cards are then revealed. First, the effect of the swap card is applied, if possible. Then the total evide..
  • Boomerang: Australia
    Explore the amazing lands of Australia in the new version of this "draft & write" game! Visit the most beautiful places of Australia. While touring, you will meet local animals and enjoy tourist activities, such as hiking, swimming or simple taking beautiful pictures! But don't forget that this trip is not only for pleasure — you all compete to be the best visitor and discover the most of Australia!   Boomerang: Australia features a unique blend of set collection and card drafting with the approachable feel of a roll-and-write game. Draft locations from across the Australian continent as you collect sets of activities and animal sightings to gain the most points. ..
  • Boomerang: Europe
    Boomerang: Europe, like its sister games Boomerang: Australia and Boomerang: USA is a "draft-and-write" game. It features a unique blend of set collection and card drafting with the approachable feel of a roll-and-write game. Draft locations from across the European continent as you collect sets of activities and try delicious food to gain the most points.   Boomerang: Europe is a stand-alone game in the Boomerang family that plays similarly to the original Boomerang, but has some rules differences and new ways to score.   ..
  • Brigands
    The King is on vacation. He entrusted the city and its treasure to the prince. The brigands know it and intend to fill their pockets.. or at least try! Will you play prince or brigand?   Brigands is an asymetrical game of deduction and trickery that pits a prince against rival bands of brigands. The prince must protect the coffers of the city against brigands. If no brigand succeeds in stealing 50 Ducats from the kingdom at the end of the 6 game turns, the prince is victorious! Otherwise, the richest bandit wins.   On a turn, each player will send its 3 crew members in the districts of his choice. The choice is secret and simultaneous. When everyone has set his mind, it's time to reveal choices and place every crew members in the city. If a prince's crew is on ..
  • C3K: Creatures Crossover Cyclades/Kemet
    C3K, which stands for "Creatures Crossover Cyclades/Kemet", is a mini-expansion that contains seven cards for Cyclades and six power tiles for Kemet. These components allow you to use the creatures from Cyclades (and the Cyclades: Hades expansion) in Kemet and the creatures from Kemet in Cyclades. With this expansion added to Kemet, the Greek Legends join the fight, bringing new powers to your army. Now you can make the Kraken appear in the Nile River and benefit from its strength, use Medusa's deadly stare to destroy enemy shields, and more. With this expansion added to Cyclades, you can hire Egyptian Reinforcements, a new type of troop that comes with a special attack. Use the Mummy to raise fallen enemies into troops under your control, use the Elephant to improve your dice r..
  • Cairn: Promo Megaliths
    Here are 3 new Megaliths to add to the Megaliths contained in the base game.   1. The walk of the colossus: Switch the position of one of your shamans with one of your opponent's shamans. This action does not activate any Megaliths.   2. The shifting stone: Duplicate and apply the effect of one of the available Megaliths.   3. The heart of the Earth: Build one of two available Megaliths in one of the empty squares of the play area. This action does not increase your score. (Don't forget to replace it with a new megalith.)   Additional note in the rulebook: If an action moves or adds a shaman onto a megalith, it immediately activates its effect. If this resolution causes a shaman to move or add onto another megalith, it will then ac..
  • Captain Sonar
    At the bottom of the ocean, no one will hear you scream! In Captain Sonar, you and your teammates control a state-of-the-art submarine and are trying to locate an enemy submarine in order to blow it out of the water before they can do the same to you. Every role is important, and the confrontation is merciless. Be organized and communicate because a captain is nothing without his crew: the Chief Mate, the Radio Operator, and the Engineer. All the members of a team sit on one side of the table, and they each take a particular role on the submarine, with the division of labor for these roles being dependent on the number of players in the game: One player might be the captain, who is responsible for moving the submarine and announcing some details of this movement; another pl..
  • Captain Sonar (2022 Edition)
    At the bottom of the ocean, no one will hear you scream!   In Captain Sonar, you and your teammates control a state-of-the-art submarine and are trying to locate an enemy submarine in order to blow it out of the water before they can do the same to you. Every role is important, and the confrontation is merciless. Be organized and communicate because a captain is nothing without his crew: the Chief Mate, the Radio Operator, and the Engineer.   All the members of a team sit on one side of the table, and they each take a particular role on the submarine, with the division of labor for these roles being dependent on the number of players in the game: One player might be the captain, who is responsible for moving the submarine and announcing some details of this mov..
  • Captain Sonar: Operation Dragon
    Captain Sonar: Operation Dragon, an expansion for Captain Sonar, consists of an "Operation Dragon" campaign as well as a "Custom Pack" toolbox. A few details:   • In search of rare minerals, the crews dive to never-before-seen depths where the laws of physics reach their limits. In the "Operation Dragon" campaign mode, teams can play seven consecutive missions on ever-new nautical charts, using expert characters with abilities exclusive to them to make it through this adventure. The result of each game affects the next mission...   • The "Custom Pack" toolbox contains four new modules with new options to vary your gaming experience, such as "Armada" mode, new second stations, and new mechanics stations. ..
  • Captain Sonar: Special Mission Vectrum
    With its 3 missions, the Vectrum campaign make you dive you into a thrilling adventure. A cutting-edge military-scientific conglomerate has recruited experienced crews to test their new equipment in real conditions. Welcome to the Vectrum Campaign, which will take you from Chicago to New York to end with a climax on a secret mission! The Vectrum campaign includes 3 missions, which can be played consecutively in a “campaign” mode, or individually, with their specific rules and constraints.       ..
  • Chu Han
    Chu Han is a two-player card game of dynastic intrigue set in ancient China before and during the Chu-Han Contention, 206-202 BCE.   Two clans, the Han and Chu, vie to supplant the weak Qin ruler and forge China's first true dynasty. Historically, the Chu began in a stronger position, but the Han managed to defeat them.   Chu Han is a trick-taking, climbing, and shedding game with special powers consisting of multiple hands. Players begin each hand with a mixture of Chu and Han cards, representing strains within clans, hostage taking, and shifting allegiances. Optional Events and two historical campaigns provide additional variety.   Can you outmaneuver your rival to found a new dynasty? ..
  • Cyclades
    In this latest collaboration between Bruno Cathala and Ludovic Maublanc, players must buy the favor of the gods in their race to be the first player to build two cities in the Ancient Greek island group known as the Cyclades. Victory requires respect for all the gods - players cannot afford to sacrifice to only one god, but must pay homage to each of five gods in turn. Each turn, the players bid for the favors of the gods, as only one player can have the favor of each god per turn - and each player is also limited to the favor of a single god per turn. Ares allows the movement of player armies and the building of Fortresses. Poseidon allows players to move their navies and build Ports. Zeus allows his followers to hire priests and build temples. Athena provides her worshipers with philo..