Delicious Games

Weergave: Lijst / Rooster
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  • Evacuation (EN)
    "Hurry to the ship! Twelve houses from our town have already burned down!"   In Evacuation, life on our planet is being burned away thanks to increasingly intense sunlight, so everyone is trying to move all the people and factories in their territories from the "old" planet to a new one — and they have only four rounds in which to do so.   You start the game with a full functioning economy, and over the course of play, you must dismantle that economy and move it. Income on the old planet shrinks over time, and production probably won't be much better until you establish yourself on the new planet and kick things into action. Resources can't be mixed across the planets, so you need to take special care with your planning.   To do this, you choose ac..
  • Monster Baby Rescue
    In Monster Baby Rescue!, players take care of their sad, lost and ill "Baby monsters" who got lost to us from fantastic world. Every player chooses their own "Monstie" — Dragon, Mandrigora, Ork, Basilisk, or Kerberos — and with the help of tiles displayed on the table takes care of it. There are tiles to groom particular parts of bodies, tiles with playgrounds, cosy places, diamonds to play or decorate with, and magicians (vets). These tiles have different "price" which is paid by different number of steps of your Monstie on the time track. The next player is the one who is the most behind (takes the cheapest tiles from the table).   Players gain points for bonuses on tiles and also for the levels, they groom, improve, and take care of their Monsties   https://..
  • Praga Caput Regni
    Charles IV has been crowned King of Bohemia and ruler of the Holy Roman Empire. From his castle in Prague, he oversees construction of new fortifications: a bridge across the Vltava River, a university, and a cathedral rising within the walls of the castle itself. Prague is already among the largest cities in Europe. King Charles will make it the capital of an empire!   In Praga Caput Regni, players take the role of wealthy citizens who are organizing various building projects in medieval Prague. By expanding their wealth and joining in the construction, they gain favor with the king. Players choose from six actions on the game board — the "action crane" — that are always available, but which are weighted with a constantly shifting array of costs and benefits. By using thes..
  • Praga Caput Regni: Wooden Eggs + Solo Cards
    5 card pack for solo play and wooden eggs for Praga Caput Regni ..
  • Preorder - Resafa (verwacht oktober 2024)
    The game Resafa takes place during the 3rd century AD in the area of today's Middle East. Resafa now lies in ruins in modern-day Syria, but at this time it was a fortified desert outpost that flourished as a stop along important caravan routes.   In the game, players represent merchants who travel on business trips and buy and sell goods in the various cities in the region. Resafa had no local sources of water, so it depended heavily on large cisterns to collect the spring and winter rainwater to make the area habitable. Players build water tanks and canals to distribute that water where it is needed. In the cities, they build workshops to help their businesses grow, which will allow them to collect resources and camels. They also construct gardens between the businesses, g..
  • Shipyard (2nd edition) (EN)
    We’re in 19th century, sea transport is more and more important. Both corporations and naval forces require newer and newer ships. Try to put yourself in the role of their manufacturers. Hire employees, buy accessories, get favour of evaluating committees. Don’t forget to rent a canal and you can heave anchor.   Players take turns, beginning with a randomly selected player and continuing around the table clockwise. On their turn, they will choose one of the available actions from the Action Track. The action will get the player something they need to help build their ships. On the player's next turn, they will move that Action Card ahead of all the others and choose a different action.   If a player completes a ship on their turn (ships consists of little cards..
  • Shipyard (2nd edition): Wooden Components
    Houten componenten voor Shipyard (Second Edition) ..
  • Underwater Cities
    In Underwater Cities, which takes about 30-45 minutes per players, players represent the most powerful brains in the world, brains nominated due to the overpopulation of Earth to establish the best and most livable underwater areas possible.   The main principle of the game is card placement. Three colored cards are placed along the edge of the main board into 3 x 5 slots, which are also colored. Ideally players can place cards into slots of the same color. Then they can take both actions and advantages: the action depicted in the slot on the main board and also the advantage of the card. Actions and advantages can allow players to intake raw materials; to build and upgrade city domes, tunnels and production buildings such as farms, desalination devices and laboratories in ..
  • Underwater Cities: Mini-expansion
    We decided to release 12 new cards of Underwater Cities. This Mini-expansion will be issued on occasion of 5th Anniversary of Delicious Games and its 1st title Underwater Cities.   ..
  • Underwater Cities: New Discoveries
    The game has a number of modules which are playable as an expansion to Underwater Cities. Individual modules are not completed yet but there are planned to be new cards in each of the eras, new optional personal assistants and cards with starting resources, additional green metropolises and one big surprise..... :-)   We hebben een gerucht opgevangen dat er tripple layered playerboards zouden inzitten.   ..
  • Woodcraft (EN)
    In Woodcraft, you play as forest people running competing workshops in the woods, with you gathering wood and crafting goods for your customers. Along the way, you hire helpers, improve your workshop, and buy different types of wood and other tools to create the best workshop you can.   During the game, players complete their projects with wood (dice) that can be cut down to size, glued back together, and adjusted using dice manipulation to be as efficient as possible with their resources.   Whoever builds the best, most successful workshop wins. ..
    40,00€ 50,00€