Days of Wonder

Weergave: Lijst / Rooster
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  • Corinth
    Under a blazing sun in 4th century BCE, traders come from all corners of the Mediterranean Sea to Corinth to sell their goods; Persian carpets, Cretan olive oil, Roman grapes, and Egyptian spices are highly prized by traders. Players have a few weeks to secure their place in Corinthian lore as its most savvy trader! Corinth is a roll-and-write game akin to a dice-only version of the board game Yspahan. At the start of a turn, the active player rolls nine dice, then places all the dice with the highest value on the gold space at the top of the chart, then starts placing dice from the bottom of the chart up, with each value of dice being on a separate level. The active player takes all the dice on one level, then the action associated with that level. The top level gives..
  • Five Tribes
    Lead the Tribes and Take Control of Naqala Crossing into the Land of 1001 Nights, your caravan arrives at the fabled Sultanate of Naqala. The old sultan just died and control of Naqala is up for grabs! The oracles foretold of strangers who would maneuver the Five Tribes to gain influence over the legendary city-state. Will you fulfill the prophecy? Invoke the old Djinns and move the Tribes into position at the right time, and the Sultanate may become yours! Designed by Bruno Cathala, Five Tribes builds on a long tradition of German-style games that feature wooden meeples. Here, in a unique twist on the now-standard “worker placement” genre, the game begins with the meeples already in place – and players must cleverly maneuver them over the villages, markets, oases, and sacred pl..
  • Five Tribes: The Artisans of Naqala
    Five Tribes: The Artisans of Naqala, the first expansion for Five Tribes, introduces a new tribe to the game, and players will want to use these artisans to help them in their quest to claim the Sultanate. The artisans, represented in the game by purple meeples, allow players to craft precious goods or magic items, with some of these items being worth victory points (VPs) and others unlocking special powers for their owner. To make use of these artisans, you'll need to visit the new tiles included in this expansion: workshops (where the artisans craft their items) and specialized markets (where players can purchase specific merchandise that they need). An additional tile in the game features an impassable chasm, and this tile — as well as the included mountain markers — forces p..
  • Five Tribes: The Thieves of Naqala
    Naqala is now a prosperous place. Gaining the favors of the different tribes was not easy, and your rivals have not been discouraged by your success. In fact, some tribes have now abandoned your cause and rallied to your rivals instead, and you'll soon discover that these tribes follow influential leaders that your rivals hired against you. Every man has his price, though, so perhaps you can return the favor to your rivals — should you have what it takes to recruit the thieves of Naqala. Five Tribes: The Thieves of Naqala is a mini-expansion of six thief cards and one new djinn for Five Tribes that introduces a new element to the base game to create a real thorn in your opponents' sides. The djinn is shuffled into the deck with the other djinns and protects you from t..
  • Five Tribes: Whims of the Sultan
    The Sultanate of Naqala continues to flourish, and the new Sultan has founded five fabulous cities to take advantage of this time of prosperity — but these cities have attracted more competitors than grains of sand in the desert and the fate of the Sultanate will once again lie in the hand of the five tribes and the powerful Djinns. Five Tribes: Whims of the Sultan contains all the components needed to play five-player games of Five Tribes and introduces new fabulous cities tiles. Visiting these cities gives players opportunities to win glory as they fulfill excessive requests from the Sultan by completing "Whim of the Sultan" cards. Fierce competition is to be expected, as controlling these tiles can be a major contributor to a player's final score. ..
  • Heat: Heavy Rain (EN)
    This expansion introduces: One new driver w/ all essential player specific components in orange (now allows up to 7 racers) Two new maps (Japan & Mexico) New upgrade cards (introducing the purple drop - a different cooldown that allows the player to take a heat card from their discard pile and place it back into their engine) Submerged track sections (must spend an extra heat for down shifting gears in these sections) More heat, stress, championship, sponsorship, and event cards. ..
  • Heat: Heavy Rain (NL)
    Nieuwe circuits, vernieuwingen en speelmateriaal voor een zevende speler: het gaat er in Heat dankzij deze uitbreiding nog verhitter aan toe. ..
    26,00€ 31,00€
  • Heat: Pedal to the Metal (EN)
    Based on simple and intuitive hand management, Heat: Pedal to the Metal puts players in the driver's seat of intense car races, jockeying for position to cross the finish line first, while managing their car's speed if they don't want to overheat. Selecting the right upgrades for their car will help them hug the curves and keep their engine cool enough to maintain top speeds. Ultimately, their driving skills will be the key to victory!   Drivers can compete in a single race or use the "Championship System" to play a whole season in one game night, customizing their car before each race to claim the top spot of the podium. They have to be careful as the weather, road conditions, and events will change every race to spice up their championship. Players can also enjoy a solo m..
  • Heat: Pedal to the Metal (NL)
    Based on simple and intuitive hand management, Heat: Pedal to the Metal puts players in the driver's seat of intense car races, jockeying for position to cross the finish line first, while managing their car's speed if they don't want to overheat. Selecting the right upgrades for their car will help them hug the curves and keep their engine cool enough to maintain top speeds. Ultimately, their driving skills will be the key to victory!   Drivers can compete in a single race or use the "Championship System" to play a whole season in one game night, customizing their car before each race to claim the top spot of the podium. They have to be careful as the weather, road conditions, and events will change every race to spice up their championship. Players can also enjoy a solo m..
  • Memoir '44
    In Memoir '44 neem je de leiding over de Duitse troepen of de Gealieerden. Vanuit een startopstelling vecht je een bestaande veldslag of aanval uit: de landing van de geallieerden op de kust van Normandië, de Verzetacties bij Mont Mouchet en in de Vercors, de landing in de Provence, de bevrijding van Parijs, enz. Door middel van gevechtsdobbelstenen en bevelkaarten probeer je de vijand te verslaan. Probeer een sterkere strategie te bedenken dan je vijand en zo het gevecht te winnen! Dit spel kan je ook in 2 teams tegen elkaar spelen. ..
  • Memoir '44: Breakthrough
    Go deep behind enemy lines at Sword Beach as you airdrop in to capture the bridges of the Orne… Join Guderian’s famed Panzers as they battle the armored columns of the British Expeditionary Forces… Sign on for Operation Crusader to take on Rommel in the deserts of North Africa and liberate the garrison in Tobruk…   The Memoir ‘44 Breakthrough Expansion will take you deep into the battles of World War II with two, double-sided, 9-panel board maps covering all four Memoir ‘44 map environments - countryside, beach, winter and deserts. These oversize boards stretch the limit of current printing technology and are 13 x 17 hexes deep, opening up the Breakthrough format to new, more expansive scenarios.   The Breakthrough Expansion includes 15, never-in-print-before s..
  • Memoir '44: Disaster at Dieppe
    From the DoW website:   Here comes the final installment in our first Battle Maps series!   The Disaster at Dieppe expansion features 2 large-scale ready-to-play Overlord Scenarios, 4 Standard Scenarios, 6 half-tracks miniatures and 6 Jeeps miniatures.   Disaster at Dieppe highlights the ill-fated raid on the German-occupied coastal town of Dieppe, code-named, Operation Jubilee; while The capture of Tobruk features Rommel in June of ‘42 as he relentlessly pushes his Afrika Korps after smashing through the British lines at Gazala in North Africa.   The Battle Map series is designed to encourage team play and accommodates up to 8 players; each map comes ready-to-play with all terrain, obstacles and unit positions pre-printed, making set-..