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  • Earth (NL)
    Earth, the soil that supports and sustains our beautiful planet, Earth. Over thousands of years of evolution and adaptation the flora and fauna of this unique planet have grown and developed into amazing life forms, creating symbiotic ecosystems and habitats.   It’s time to jump into these rich environments and create some amazing natural synergies that replicate and extrapolate on Earth’s amazing versatility and plethora of natural resources. Create a self-supporting engine of growth, expansion and supply where even your unused plants become compost for future growth. Earth is an open world engine builder for 1 to 5 players with simple rules but tons of strategic possibilities. With its encyclopedic nature and the enormous number of unique cards and combinations, every..
  • Fiesta de los Muertos (NL)
    Welkom op Fiesta de los Muertos. Op deze heilige dag komen de doden weer onder ons ! Vind een woord die uw bekende overleden figuur zo best mogelijk beschrijft. Let op, dit woord zal kloksgewijs worden doorgegeven en onderweg een beetje worden gewijzigd…   Probeer vervolgens uw figuur alsook diegenen van de andere spelers terug te vinden.   Fiesta de los Muertos is een coöperatief spel waar men verbeelding en deductie gebruikt met gekke situaties tot gevolg.   ..
  • Gardeners
    Gardeners is a simultaneous cooperative game played silently and in real time.   In less than 15 minutes, players must succeed in arranging as many gardens as possible, always composed of the same 36 tiles, but responding to different rules from one round to another. Everyone must deduce the rules in force by observing where the tiles are placed and from where some are removed.   A game of Gardeners is made up of an indefinite number of rounds. Each is broken down into 5 phases, as follows:   Draw a Constraint card, Start the sandtimer, Arrange the garden, Check the garden, Prepare for the next round. During the game, players cannot communicate in any way about what to do or not to do to make the garden.   Will ..
    15,20€ 23,00€
  • Ghost Adventure
    De godenbeelden van de Ouden hebben altijd zorgvuldig gewaakt over het kleine Keltische volk. En dit tot op de dag dat de wolvenstrijders uit het Noorden zijn aangeland om deze magische totems te vernietigen en de geesten die hierin woonden te vangen. De enige overlevende, een heel kleine spookmuisje, klimt helemaal tot op het topje om de wereld te redden van het nacht- merriemonster en zijn bondgenoten. Het is aan nu aan jullie om aan dit avontuur vol magie en plotse wendingen te beginnen! ..
  • IKI (NL)
    Edo — what we now know today as Tokyo, Japan — was a thriving city with an estimated population of one million, half townspeople and half samurai. With a huge shopping culture, Edo's main district, Nihonbashi, was lined with shops, selling kimonos, rice, and so much more.   Nihonbashi is the focus of IKI: A Game of EDO Artisans, which brings you on a journey through the famed street of old Tokyo. Hear the voices of Nihonbashi Bridge's great fish market. Meet the professionals, who carry out 700­-800 different jobs. Enter the interactivity of the shoppers and vendors. Become one with the townspeople.   One of the main professions in the world of Edo is the artisan. Each of the Edo artisans uses their own skill of trade to support the townspeople's lives. In this..
  • IKI (NL) (schade)
    Omschrijving van de schade: kreukje in de voorzijde van de doos. Zie foto hierboven voor meer detail.    Edo — what we now know today as Tokyo, Japan — was a thriving city with an estimated population of one million, half townspeople and half samurai. With a huge shopping culture, Edo's main district, Nihonbashi, was lined with shops, selling kimonos, rice, and so much more.   Nihonbashi is the focus of IKI: A Game of EDO Artisans, which brings you on a journey through the famed street of old Tokyo. Hear the voices of Nihonbashi Bridge's great fish market. Meet the professionals, who carry out 700­-800 different jobs. Enter the interactivity of the shoppers and vendors. Become one with the townspeople.   One of the main prof..
    46,00€ 49,50€
  • IKI: Akebono
    IKI: Akebono introduces a new location to discover in Edo: the bridge of Nihonbashi, which expands the main street and offers players new opportunities. Players can stop at the bridge to meet famous personalities from the Edo era (like Hokusai Katsushika, Sanyo Rai or Tokunai Mogami) and to trade with the ships (built by the players) in the river.   The Akebono expansion also adds new character cards, building cards, and new pipe, tobacco, and fish tokens for more strategic depth and decision making.   OFFICIAL LINKS ..
  • It's a Wonderful World: Corruption and Ascension (NL)
    This new deck of cards complement the existing cards of It’s a Wonderful World. From now on, each turn, you will play a mixture of classic Development cards and Ascension cards. Ascension cards introduce new ways to play, most notably through pair scoring and corruption.   This new deck also allows you to play with up to 7 players. ..
  • Jekyll vs. Hyde
    Jekyll vs. Hyde is a trick-taking game for 2 players, based on the famous novella Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. As Dr. Jekyll, you'll need to resist Mr. Hyde's fierce attacks to protect your mind and keep the secret of your dual nature. As Mr. Hyde, your goal is to dominate Dr. Jekyll to overcome his identity.   Overview One player is Dr. Jekyll ; the other is Mr. Hyde. The game plays in three rounds. At the end of each round, Dr. Jekyll's identity will progressively disappear under Mr. Hyde's relentless attacks. Compare the number of tricks that each player has won in this round and subtract the lowest score from the highest one (for instance, if Dr. Jekyll won 6 tricks and Mr. Hyde won 4 tricks, then the final result is 6-4=2). Thi..
  • Karak (NL)
    In Karak leidt elke speler een van de zes verschillende personages naar het labyrint van Karak. Tegel voor tegel zullen ze ontdekken hoe het labyrint eruitziet - het zal in elke playthrough anders zijn. Ze zullen moeten vechten met monsters, wapens en spreuken moeten gebruiken en vooral: schatten verzamelen. De speler met de meeste schatten aan het einde van het spel is de winnaar - een echte kampioen van Karak! ..
  • Loco Coco Nuts - Size Matters
    Loco Coco Nuts, de Nederlandse versie van het hilarische kaartspel Cards against humanity   Bij het spel Loco Coco Nuts leest één speler een zin voor vanop een kaart. Sommige woorden uit de zinnen ontbreken. Het is de bedoeling dat de spelers de zin telkens afmaken door woorden in te vullen. Ze gebruiken hiervoor hun antwoordkaarten. Grappige antwoorden verzekerd! Wie de leukste combinaties maakt, wint het spel.   Loco Coco Nuts - Size Matters is de volgende versie van ons immens populaire partyspel Loco Coco Nuts.   Loco Coco Nuts - Size Matters focust zich op de liefde – in al haar aspecten – en is een 16+ partyspel. Je hoeft het origineel niet te hebben om te kunnen spelen, al zijn de spellen uiteraard wel te combineren.   ..
  • Lucky Numbers - 5e Speler
    Uitbreiding om een 5e speler toe te voegen aan Lucky Numbers ..