Horrible Games

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  • Dragon Castle
    Dragon Castle is a game freely inspired by Mahjong Solitaire. During your turn, you take a pair of identical tiles from the central "castle" (known as the Dragon Castle) and place them on your own realm board to build your own castle. From time to time, you may sacrifice these tiles to acquire shrines in their place. Every time you create a set of tiles of the same kind, you "consolidate" them, i.e. flip them face down to score points. When you consolidate a set, you may also build shrines on top of the consolidated tiles: Shrines allow you to score more points, but they also limit your building options. You may also take advantage of the available spirit card and its game-changing powers...but this will come at a cost! Finally, don't forget to check the dragon card in pla..
  • Dungeon Fighter: Second Edition
    Dungeon Fighter is back with a brand new Second Edition, 10 years after its original release!   The essence of the game is always the same: the good old cooperative gameplay experience with its crazy dice throws has been improved with streamlined rules, new boards, new dice, new heroes, new weapons, new monsters, and more!   Be a Professional Hero! Explore the Dungeon, face weird and ferocious Monsters, and fight your way to the final Boss! To defeat those fiends, you will need to use all of your focus and dexterity and throw the dice at the right spots of the main target-board. But that’s not all! You’ll also have to deal with weapons, monster abilities and room obstacles increasing the difficulty of your task—but also your rewards!   New Dungeon ..
  • Potion Explosion (2nd Edition) [EN]
    Versie met de plastic tray (ipv karton)   Spectaculair, tactisch spel over knikkerbotsingen en toverdranken. In een grote bak liggen 80 knikkers verspreid over verschillende banen. Je neemt er steeds 1 knikker uit en mag daarna ook knikkers van een gelijke kleur nemen als die door jouw actie op elkaar botsen, een zogenaamde explosie. Op die manier verzamel je verschillende kleuren knikkers, die ingrediënten van toverdranken voorstellen. Door ze op je toverdranktegels te leggen, kun je deze voltooien en gebruiken. Voltooide toverdranken leveren punten op. Daarnaast krijg je punten voor het voltooien van een aantal gelijke of juist verschillende toverdranken. Wie heeft aan het einde de meeste punten? Potion Explosion is een toegankelijk maar uitdagend spel, waardoor..
  • Potion Explosion: The 6th Student (EN)
    Huge renovations are ongoing at the Horribilorum Sorcery Academy for Witty Witches and Wizards! A new dispenser, bigger halls, and more players!   The second expansion for the award-winning Potion Explosion, The 6th Student includes a shiny new plastic dispenser and introduces a new game mode to play with 5/6 players! Pick marbles from one dispenser and discard them into the other, but be ready for the sound of the bell! When you change classrooms, the roles of the two dispensers will swap, so plan ahead.   Also, learn to brew two new potions focused on sharing Ingredients (either willingly or not), the Generosity Confection and the Concentrate of Selfishness, and handle a new kind of wild Ingredient that can't be mixed with any other Ingredient, Mandragora Lea..
  • Similo: History (EN)
    Similo is een leuk, toegankelijk kaartspel voor tussendoor, waarbij alle spelers coöperatief het personage proberen te raden dat van tevoren door de spelleider gekozen is. Het gekozen personage bevindt zich tussen de 12 kaarten op tafel. Er mag niet worden gesproken en de spelleider gebruikt kaarten met andere personages uit zijn hand als aanwijzingen. Door kaarten op een bepaalde manier neer te leggen, geeft hij aan of de personages overeenkomsten hebben of juist van elkaar verschillen. De andere spelers moeten samen proberen de aanwijzing zo goed mogelijk te interpreteren.   Spelers zullen dus goed moeten nagaan wat de personages gemeen hebben of waar ze in verschillen. Want waar de spelleider precies op doelt met zijn hint blijft geheim. Is het uiterlijk, karakter, tijdp..
  • Sunrise Lane (EN)
    In Sunrise Lane, players take on the role of construction companies attempting to build up a residential neighborhood, and to do this, they need to pick prestigious plots of land on which to build houses and town structures.   In more detail, the game board depicts a grid of spaces that each show 1-5 dots in a single color, and each player has a set of colored House pieces, with the colors having no connection to the space on the board. On a turn, you either draw 2 colored cards from the deck and add them to your hand (with a limit of 5 cards in hand) or discard cards to place a building, then draw a card.   When you build, you must build adjacent to a pre-existing structure (or the central space at the start of the game), and you must discard 1 or more cards o..
  • The King's Dilemma (EN)
    Een koninkrijk besturen is zo makkelijk nog niet. Als leiders van de nobele huizen staan jullie de koning van Ankist in raad en daad bij om het koninkrijk naar een glorieuze toekomst te leiden. In dit verhaalgedreven legacy-spel bepalen alle spelers samen het lot van het rijk, generatie op generatie. Ga je voor het succes van jouw eigen huis of voor het grotere belang? Elke beslissing kan verstrekkende gevolgen hebben, dus bedenk goed wat jouw rol in de geschiedenis wordt!   Waarom wil je dit spel spelen? - Het spelmechanisme is simpel, maar het ijzersterke verhaal maakt dit tot een unieke ervaring. - Boordevol plotwendingen en mogelijke vertakkingen in het verhaal. Spelers weten nooit waar het heengaat. - Ieder nobel huis is uniek en heeft een andere achtergrond. H..
  • Unicorn Fever
    Unicorn Fever is a betting game in which unwitting unicorns and their mindless desire to run on rainbows are exploited by unscrupulous citizen of the fairy realm, for profit... and glory!   Each player is a wealthy bettor, determined to be recognised as a the most skillful unicorn-race wagerer of the Unicorn Racing Championship and hold the title until the next rainbow appears. During 4 races, players will try to place successful bets to gain Victory Points and Gold.   To reach their goal, they will buy Contracts with unscrupulous citizens of the fairy realm to hire their services and turn the odds of the race in their favor, play Magic cards to straight up fix it, and try to avoid squandering all their hard-earned Gold and be forced to ask the Elf-Mob for Loan..
  • Unicorn Fever: Royal Hooves
    More Unicorns, more fun! This expansion for Unicorn Fever contains 3 additional Unicorn Miniatures and cards, to expand the roster of unicorns available during your races and spice up your games with exciting new Fever abilities!   ..
  • Vampire: The Masquerade – Vendetta
    Vendetta is a game of area control, bluff and treachery in which you scheme and fight for influence and power as immortal vampires! Play cards and blood to earn the control of influential humans, feed on them, and make them your servants; your goal is to gain the most influence over three ages. You draft cards at the beginning of the game, then gradually draw an increasing number of cards from your deck at the beginning of each age (i.e., all the cards you had during the previous age, plus new ones).   While playing, you get to know the powers and abilities of your opponents during your centuries-long struggle, but they do the same with you — and you can never know which new tricks they may have added to their arsenal since your last encounter!   https://youtu...