Eagle-Gryphon Games

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  • Weather Machine: Upgraded Metal Machine Parts
    Metal upgrade set voor Weather Machine. ..
  • Wombat Rescue
    Did you know that wombats poop cubes? It’s true! Scientists theorize that, due to extremely poor vision but an excellent sense of smell, wombats use their poop cubes as “smell markers” to help them navigate their environment. Because their poop is cube-shaped it is less likely to roll away or be moved. You play as the mama wombat of your tribe. The dastardly dingo has stormed your burrow and chased away 4 of your baby wombats! You will need to eat and digest food in order to produce poop cubes, with which you will build smell areas so you can navigate your environment, find your baby wombats, and bring them home. The player who best plans their smell areas and moves most efficiently will prove victorious! The object of Wombat Rescue is to be the first ..
  • Xenon Profiteer
    Xenon is a valuable noble gas that is found in very trace amounts in Earth's atmosphere. Due to the difficulty and expense of isolating high-purity Xenon for various technological advancements in recent years, the need for Cryogenic Distillation of Xenon is on the rise. Xenon Profiteer is a highly thematic, deck-deconstruction, euro game for 2-4 entrepreneurs in which each player takes control of their own Air Separation Facility and distills Xenon from their Systems to complete lucrative contracts. You will also physically expand your facility by building upgrades, pipelines, and acquiring new contracts and connecting them to your Center Console. In a decidedly different take on the classic deck-building format, Xenon Profiteer not only actively encou..