Geek Attitude Games

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  • Aquarena
    Countryside ponds are little slices of paradise where everything is calm and peaceful. Or so it seems... For pond’s people, this poetic backdrop represents a daily struggle for survival, where it’s “eat or be eaten”!   Aquarena shows us what the food chain near a pond looks like. Carefully position your predators around the pond, so they can catch their favorite prey. But beware: they too can fall prey to other predators.   A game takes place over 4 rounds, each of which consists of 3 successive phases: Planning, Resolution and Scoring.   Planning phase: beginning with the starting player and then in clockwise order, players choose 1 card from their hand which they place on the edge of a Water tile of their choice, discard 1 other card from their h..
    17,00€ 20,00€
  • Bruxelles 1893: Belle Epoque
    This new edition of Bruxelles 1893 is completed with its Belle Époque expansion, both offered in a single big box. Although it respects the spirit of the original game, this new version of Brussels 1893 has been mechanically, graphically and ergonomically redesigned. Those who love Brussels 1893 will find all the pleasure of the original game, and even more because Belle Époque considerably expands the strategic possibilities, without increasing the length of a game.   In the Belle Époque expansion, players will experience:   New Public Figures and White Works of Art Blocker Tiles and End Game Goals Special Actions and a Brand New Material Bruxelles 1893 is a worker placement game with elements of bidding and majority control. Each player is an arch..
  • Bruxelles 1897
    BRUXELLES 1897   In 1897, Art Nouveau is taking over the streets of Brussels as the World's Fair opens its doors. The time has come to cement your name in the History of Art. To achieve all of this, you must construct magnificent buildings, create, sell and exhibit works of art, and shake hands with the city's noblemen.   Bruxelles 1897 is a card game based on the Bruxelles 1893 board game.   Bruxelles 1897 will speak to a large audience of gamers. Its mechanics are based on Bruxelles 1893 and are made simpler without compromising depth. Those who know the board game Bruxelles 1893 will rediscover its familiar look and feel in Bruxelles 1897.   A game of Bruxelles 1897 is played over 4 rounds. A round consists of a variable number of t..
  • Not Alone (EN)
    It is the 25th century. You are a member of an intergalactic expedition shipwrecked on a mysterious planet named Artemia. While waiting for the rescue ship, you begin to explore the planet but an alien entity picks up your scent and begins to hunt you. You are not alone! Will you survive the dangers of Artemia? NOT ALONE is an asymmetrical card game, in which one player (the Creature) plays against the rest (the Hunted). If you play as one of the Hunted, you will explore Artemia using Place cards. By playing these and Survival cards, you try to avoid, confuse or distract the Creature until help arrives. If you play as the Creature, you will stalk and pursue the shipwrecked survivors. By playing your Hunt cards and using the mysterious powers of Artemia, you try to ..